How Rittal, Melis Logistics and BigMile teamed up to track CO2 emissions

Rittal NL and Melis Logistics use BigMile’s carbon accounting software to calculate and report on their CO2 emissions. The three companies worked closely together to further improve the platform and get complete visibility across the entire supply chain.

Rittal and Melis Logistics
12.500 (Rittal, worldwide) & 220 (Melis Logistics)
Shipper (Rittal), Logistics Service Provider (Melis Logistics)
Fuel Switch

Transitioning to HVO Diesel

100% of gas-powered truck made the transition to HVO Diesel


Rittal's 4th Lean & Green star

Rittal earned their 4th L&G star for their CO2 reduction efforts

Emission reductions

60% reduced CO2 emissions

Rittal managed to lower their CO2 emissions by 60%

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Collaboration is key to making sustainability efforts more effective in the transport, shipping, and logistics industry. Martijn Hengeveld, Operations Manager at Rittal, and Nick Broekhuysen, Director at Melis Logistics, know this better than anyone else. 

Both Martijn and Nick use BigMile’s carbon accounting software, Carbon Analytics, to calculate and report their CO2 emissions, and the three companies worked closely together to improve it. In this case study, you will discover how the three partners worked together. 

Collaboration between Rittal and Melis Logistics

Rittal is a global leader in enclosure systems, power distribution, climate control, IT infrastructure, and related services. The company’s products are used in industries like machinery, installation, and IT. As such, partnerships are very important to Rittal.

Which is why it's no surprise Rittal’s Operations Manager, Martijn Hengeveld, was eager to collaborate on the BigMile platform with Nick Broekhuysen, Director at Melis Logistics

Melis Logistics has years of experience in all aspects of the logistics process. The company optimizes logistics services to shorten the supply chain, making the process more efficient and reliable.

Both Rittal and Melis Logistics needed better insight into their CO2 emissions. The two companies teamed up with BigMile to help calculate and report on supply chain emissions. We spoke with Martijn and Nick about the challenges Rittal and Melis Logistics faced and why they decided to start using BigMile’s carbon accounting software in the first place.

Calculating supply chain CO2 emissions: a big challenge  

Martijn explains they started tracking Rittal’s supply chain CO2 emissions five years ago. “We knew we wanted to make our transport more sustainable, but we didn’t know how to get reliable insights into our emissions or full visibility across the whole supply chain.” 

For Melis Logistics, the reason to start calculating emissions was a bit different, Nick says. “We already had our first Lean & Green Star. And we wanted to move up to the next star.” The Lean & Green Star is given to organizations that cut their CO2 emissions by at least 20% within five years.

“Our reasons for looking into software solutions were twofold. First, getting the right data was crucial for reaching the next star. Second, and more practically, using carbon accounting software would help us in implementing efficiency improvements.” Carbon accounting software gives clear insight into the entire supply chain, allowing companies to make better decisions.

Case study continues below
“We already had our first Lean & Green Star and wanted to move up to the next. We were looking for a solution to give us reliable CO2 results.”

Nick Broekhuysen, Director at Melis Logistics

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Why Rittal and Melis Logistics chose BigMile for CO2 tracking

Both Rittal and Melis Logistics reached out to BigMile to give the platform a try and to get a better look at their supply chain CO2 emissions. Martijn explains: “The platform gives me complete visibility into the entire supply chain. It’s user-friendly, and we trust the data is accurate. For example, in retail, the primary data like deliveries are integrated. This is really handy.”

Melis Logistics had a tougher start. Nick explains that the company has very high standards when it comes to service for clients. Nick needed a solution to calculate supply chain emissions but was also worried about handing this over to an external party. “We wanted to make sure the data was accurate, especially for our customers.”

Getting the right data in the right place was a bit of a bumpy ride at first. It took some iterations and time to make sure everything was connected properly. Melis Logistics, Rittal, and BigMile stayed focused on getting the data right, which helped lead to a solid partnership on the platform in the end.

How a unique collaboration improved the platform even further

Melis Logistics and Rittal teamed up on the BigMile platform. Along with tracking their emissions together, Martijn and Nick often talked with Sven, BigMile’s Sales Manager, about how the three of them could make the platform even better. As a result, Auke, BigMile’s BI-specialist at the time, Martijn and Nick worked together to tweak features, which helped Rittal and Melis Logistics get better data. This really shows what the collaboration was all about.

Nick: “The best part of this project is that we did it together. It was a learning experience and a great win for all three of us. It’s a transporter, shipper, and software trio. How often does that happen? We are really proud of what we achieved!” Martijn is equally proud of the partnership. “We went from the drawing board to where we are now, and it’s really cool to see how we’re tracking emissions together. I think a lot of companies could learn from this.”

One of the key features of the BigMile platform is data sharing, which allows shippers to easily receive CO2 emissions per shipment from their carrier(s) and create ISO-14083 certified CO2 emission reports. Melis Logistics can now directly share the CO2 calculations of the shipments executed for Rittal. A unique functionality. Reporting to customers is also possible on the BigMile platform. This is something that customers were asking for more and more, and which Rittal and Melis Logistics were still having trouble making clear. 

Reporting back to customers on CO2 emissions to stay ahead of the curve

Martijn says customers get really excited when he mentions that Rittal can now easily share their supply chain CO2 emissions data. The next step is to make all the data easily visible in the supply chain dashboard, thanks to an integration with Power BI. “The ability to easily report to our customers is something really unique that will set us apart as a supplier. Our end customers are enthusiastic to talk about our emissions, which is a great sign.” 

Nick says that other customers are also starting to ask about ways to cut down on CO2 emissions. “We're hearing this question come up more often.” He also mentions that people are showing more interest in reporting on sustainability efforts. “We really wanted to stay ahead of the curve, so when these questions come up, we’re ready. That way, we can give ourselves and our customers clear insights into our CO2 emissions. That’s a big plus of using carbon accounting software like BigMile.”

With BigMile's platform, Nick and Martijn can easily report their supply chain CO2 emissions to customers. On top of that, the carbon accounting software helps them stay ahead of the competition. It’s no wonder the two recommend the platform to others. 

“All our supply chain-related data is visible on a clear dashboard. We can now easily report back to our end customers. This is unique and really sets us apart as a supplier.” - Martijn Hengeveld, Manager Operations at Rittal

Why other businesses should use BigMile for calculating CO2 emissions 

When we asked Martijn and Nick if they would recommend BigMile for calculating and reporting on supply chain-related CO2 emissions to others, the two were pretty clear in their answers. 

Martijn: “For me as a shipper, it’s pretty simple. You need a software party with ICT capacity. A trustworthy one that has all the knowledge. With BigMile, we found that, plus a partner who’s really committed to giving support when needed.” Nick adds: “More and more people are asking for clear and accurate CO2 reporting, especially for logistics providers. It’s important to pick a company that organizes all the data in a user-friendly dashboard and helps you understand how to use it effectively. BigMile does just that.”

The collaboration between Rittal, Melis Logistics, and BigMile shows that you get further when you work together as partners to cut down on supply chain CO2 emissions. With clear insights, reporting becomes easy and accurate. Does it sound like your company could use some help with this? One of our experts would be happy to discuss this with you in a personal demo.

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